Loose Bodies in the knee

More than little troublemakers

“Loose bodies in the joints” are usually little pieces of bone or cartilage that can move around in the joint and are trapped inside. This causes pain and leads to a swelling of the joint and reduced mobility in the knee.

What are the causes of loose bodies in the knee?

Loose bodies are usually formed due to existing health problems like arthrosis, osteochondrosis dissecans or instabilities in the joint. A tumble or excessive sport could also be the cause for these fragments. A new formation of cartilage pieces due to chondromatosis is very rare.

How do we diagnose loose bodies in the knee?

During the medical check-up the patient shows a painful restriction to the mobility and the swelling of the knee joint, together with the feeling that something is trapped. The ultrasound picture often simply shows an increased amount of fluid in the joint as a reaction to the inflammation. Loose bodies and accompanying damage to the cartilage can be diagnosed, however, with the help of X-rays or MRI technology.

Do we use conservative methods to treat loose bodies in the knee?

These fragments are a mechanical problem so that conservative therapy is not the appropriate way of treatment. The friction and jamming of the fragments can be harmful to the healthy cartilage around it leading to a higher risk for irreparable damage to the joint.

The acute pain can be eased by anti-inflammatory measures. We recommend to use these measures after the physical removal of the loose bodies; 

  • Injections
  • Neuralgic therapy
  • Kinesiology taping
  • ACP / Autohemotherapy
  • Chirotherapy, medical osteopathy
  • Acupuncture
  • Laser therapy
  • Cryotherapy

Surgery as therapy for loose bodies in the knee

An arthroscope (camera) and instruments to remove the fragment are inserted through 2 small incisions. This method enables a quick and very gentle removal of the troublemakers. During the same operation, the problem causing the fragments can often be treated as well. 

Dr. Eva Wörenkämper carries out this type of surgery on-site in the RKM 740 clinic, and it can be done with you being an in-patient or out-patient, depending on the necessary treatment.

The treatment after surgery of loose bodies

Depending on the operation, you might be allowed to put full weight on your leg again, or we might ask you to use a crutch for a couple of days. It is very important to start physiotherapy and lymphatic drainage as soon as possible.

This post-operative treatment can be carried out in our practice or by your orthopedist in case you have been referred to us by him or her. We regularly check the wound. The threads can be removed after 12–14 days.

We also offer supporting measures such as cryotherapy, kinesiology taping, acupuncture or osteopathy. Dr. Eva Wörenkämper and her team, who are specialists in sports medicine and science, will be very happy to support and guide you regarding the start of your sport activities.

Possible long-term effects of loose bodies in your knee

The pain in the joint and the “jamming” of the bodies lead to a restricted mobility of the knee joint. In most cases there is also further damage inside the knee that can be aggravated by the bodies. The loose bodies are scratching the cartilage so that it will be destroyed over time. The accompanying chronic inflammation also causes further damage to the cartilage.

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