Pain in the back is one of the most common causes for movement restrictions and pain in other areas of the body. The reasons for back pain are very varied and fairly often there is more than one problem causing the pain.

Back pain is categorised depending on where you feel the pain.


Cervical spine – pain around your throat and neck

Thoracic spine - pain around the chest

Lumbar spine – pain around your lower back


Due to the fact that the nerves are branching off from the spine into other areas of the body the problems might be felt in other body parts, e.g.

  • Back pain radiating into the legs, i.e. lumbar ischialgia or sciatica
  • Pain in the legs without pain in the back, i.e. sciatica
  • Back pain radiating into the arms, i.e. cervicobrachialgia
  • The nerves of the thoracic spine run along the ribs and can cause pain in this area, also during breathing.

The reasons for back pain are very varied, i.e.

  • Acquired malpositions
  • Congenital malpositions (scoliosis)
  • Muscle tensions
  • Protrusion of the discs or slipped discs (prolapse)
  • Arthrosis of the vertebrae and facet joints (facet joint arthrosis, spondylarthrosis)
  • Blockages of the vertebrae and rib joints
  • Congenital problems, i.e. spondylolisthesis or slipping vertebrae, fusion of vertebral segments, transitional vertebrae
  • Inflammations like rheumatism, Morbus Bechterew
  • Injuries of the vertebrae
  • Osteoporosis (sintering of the vertebral bodies after fractures)
  • Acute muscle tensions around the cervical spine (stiff neck, torticollis)
  • Problems with the jaws (craniomandibular dysfunction CMD)
  • Stress, Burnout, Post COVID

During our consultation we will discuss the situation with you personally and we will certainly find just the right diagnostic tests and therapy for you.

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